Thursday, March 13, 2008

Education spotlight: Niles!

Probably the most famous of our birds (looks are everything) and a national showbiz sensation, Niles is an African Southern Ground Hornbill. He’s 4 feet long and weighs around 7 lbs.

Southern ground hornbills live south of the equator in the savannas and grasslands of Africa. They eat lizards, insects, snakes, and small mammals. This terrestrial species is the only hornbill that does not wall up the female in her nest.

Though their status in the wild is largely unknown, according to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, their numbers are declining from loss of habitat through degradation, encroachment and settlement, destruction of large nesting trees, poisoning, shooting, trade in exotic birds and traditional medicinal use. 50% of their original habit has been lost in the past 60 years (

As an ambassador for his species, Niles helps to raise awareness of the plight of African birds. Niles loves to perform and can be seen in all his glory this summer at the Stone Zoo in Boston, MA.