Sunday, March 30, 2008

How they grow…

Tawny Owl
Family Strigidae, Strix aluco

Tawny owls are medium sized owls found in Europe and Asia. They prefer to live in woods and open areas with large trees for perching. Their call is the famous "to-Wit, to-Woo."

With the loss of much of their rural habitat, tawny owls are moving into cities and suburbs. Their hunting techniques have changed with their new environment. One new technique involves landing on a branch and then slowly walking sideways along the limb until it is next to a sleeping songbird. One quick snatch, and the owl has a meal! Pretty sneaky…

These pictures chart the growth of tawny owl chicks from 7 to 64 days. They were taken by our friend and photographer Gay Schroer. Hmm…which is cuter, the tawny owl or the Eurasian eagle owl? (see post: March 23rd )

7 days

30 days

43 days

58 days

64 days


  1. Tawny Owls are cuter! They're also nicer, less of a handful, and the overall best owl I've ever raised! That's just my personal bias. :)

  2. I think the Tawny Owls are cuter!! I think their eyes and heads are just adorable!!
