Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How they grow...African Pied Crow

Family Corvidae, Corvus albus

This crow is about the same size as our American Crow, but their black and white coloring makes them distinct. Like their raven relatives, pied crows can be very playful. An acquaintance from Zimbabwe once told me that he enjoyed watching them slide down windshields in a parking lot where he worked. They would fly back up to the top of the car and do it again and again. Pied crows love attention and make wonderful education birds. They can learn to mimic up to 100 human words and 5 phrases!

The following pictures record the growth of a pied crow from 7 to 28 days. They were taken by our friend and photographer Gay Schroer. For me, they fall into the “so ugly they are cute” category.

7 days

22 days

28 days

28 days

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