Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Barn owls: they work hard; they play hard.

As with humans, play is an important part of an animal's development into adulthood. Our first clutch of barn owls have been busy "hunting" in the nursery. As you can see from these two videos, they like wiffle balls and a stuffed mouse. They also enjoy attacking towels. But then, who doesn't?


  1. ADORABLE! I've never attacked a towel as of yet, but you just gave me the idea, so I'll let you know who wins...I LOVE your videos!

  2. Yes, they are adorable! One of them is a very good tap dancer, too. It's hilarious to watch him tap dance.

  3. These owls are just too cute!! The way they try to play, it is so amazing to be able to watch these videos. Most of these babies we would not see in the wild. Thank you so much for posting the videos and photos!!

  4. Hey thanks! And thanks from the owlets. Athena is on more eggs already. Soon the barn owls will take over.
