Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bird's Eye View

Meet Linus and Cayenne, two of our Green-winged Macaws (Ara chloroptera). These two beautiful parrots came to us from the Milwaukee County Zoo. During programs, Linus and Cayenne fly side by side around the stage, where they then land in a special artificial tree and collect their reward. This summer, a few of our staff members will be taking them back to the Milwaukee County Zoo, where they will again be participating in educational programs. In the wild, Green-winged Macaws are found in Central and South America in tropical forests, savannas, and mangrove swamps. Their diet is made up of seeds, fruit, berries, and leaves.

I took these pictures at our Education Training Center. Those two posed for pictures almost on cue right as I took out my camera.

Bird's Eye View is a regular column written and photographed by our volunteer Daniel.


  1. 19photog41
    Great photos Daniel!! Aren't these guys impressive when they do their loops?

  2. Thank you very much! I really enjoy taking pictures of these birds. It's one of the most incredible things to see a macaw in flight. They're such amazing birds!
