Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring field studies...

The World Bird Sanctuary's Field Studies Staff are dedicated individuals with biology, wildlife management or related degrees. Each individual is well educated in the visual and auditory identification of avian species in the field.

WBS' Three Phase Program to Wildlife Area Enhancement:

Habitat Assessment: The first step of any project generally includes the evaluation of the property in question.

WBS field staff are able to provide an overall assessment of biodiversity, habitat quality, critical habitat identification and the presence or absence of federally or state identified endangered or threatened species as well as species of special concern.

Conservation Consultation: After a thorough assessment of the property has been completed, senior WBS field staff will develop various comprehensive habitat management plans taking into account the current and proposed land use. The identification of habitat restoration and/or enhancement opportunities can be made at this time.

Habitat Management: WBS is experienced in the development of long term habitat management programs designed to maintain an increased overall habitat quality. Based on goals and objectives developed during consultations, a detailed management plan can be put together including design, construction oversight and long term monitoring and maintenance regimes. When properly implemented, such a plan is integral to the success of any project and may bring other benefits such as increased aesthetic value and potential reductions in maintenance costs.

WBS is internationally recognized as a first-class conservation organization and has consulted on many projects for zoological institutions including international entities such as the Ecuador Zoological Park and the Guyana Zoological Park. WBS' environmental consultants have experience working with numerous government organizations including the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, United States Air Force, Conservation on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and many others.

Spring is an exciting time for our field studies team. The pictures below show our staff and volunteers mist netting, weighing, and banding spring birds.

Checking the Mist nets

Carefully freeing the birds from the net

Almost free of the net

Placing the bird in a "Safe Bag"

Applying a band

Checking for feather condition and parasites

Measuring the length of the primary feathers

Weighing the bird

Explaining to visitors what we are doing

1 comment:

  1. Ahh. One of the many departments I work in :-). Don't let them fool you, those Chickadees are ridiculously hard to get out of those mist nets. The Visitor Information Center is also my favorite area to bird band.
