Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eagle owl medley

Behold the cuteness of the Eurasian eagle owl chicks! In this video you can see them doing what they do best: napping. They like to flop down on their bellies and stretch their legs out behind them. Of all the birds in the world, eagle owls have my favorite feet.


  1. THOSE FEET ARE GINORMOUS! Great video, as always, Thanks!

  2. They're soo cute! I actually fell asleep on the staircase with one on my lap last week! They're like little pillows.

  3. Gosh they are cute, and the way they nap is hilarious. Do they do that as adults too? And their feet, WOW they are ginormous.

  4. They are cute! And no, they don't do that as adults. Usually when a raptor naps, it stands up on the ground or it's perch, and falls asleep.

  5. Daniel's right, they don't lie down as adults. I think it might be an affront to their dignity! :)

    I've seen them sleeping on a perch, resting one leg by standing on the other as many birds do.

    I'm glad everyone is as dazzled by those feet as I am. They are pretty magical.
