Friday, May 23, 2008

Education Spotlight: Raptor Awareness

The World Bird Sanctuary's Raptor Awareness program features birds of prey including falcons, hawks, owls, and vultures. Not only will you see different species of raptors, you'll also learn a vulture's secret weapon and how to identify a bird of prey in the wild. Sit back and enjoy an up close and personal view as some of the birds soar right overhead! Be sure to ask about adding an eagle to your program. If you'd like to know more or schedule a program, please call our Education Department at 636-225-4390. Recommended for 3rd grade and higher.

Up close and personal with a Red-tailed Hawk

Learning why vultures are among our most important birds

A rare opportunity -- seeing a Peregrine Falcon, the fastest creature in the world, up close

Learning about the silent flight of our Eurasian Eagle Owl

A rarely seen creature, Twig, our Eastern Screech Owl

Learning about the amazing mouse catching abilities and silent flight of our seldom seen barn owls

Getting the opportunity to have their questions answered at the end of the program

Photographs and comments by Gay Schroer.


  1. OMgosh Twig is the cutest name ever for a WSO!

  2. Twig is actually an Eastern Screech Owl. Yes he is adorable!

  3. Yep, Twig is a cutie. We also have Timber and Acorn.
