Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another little rescue

Spring is always a busy time for rescue and rehab, particularly as young chicks fledge. Most of the time, a fledgling is just fine out of the nest. They are still being fed and watched over by their parents. Sometimes, however, intervention is required.

This spring has been VERY exciting for me. As a WBS volunteer, I have already had some "first ever" experiences: a turkey vulture chick (see June 9th) and this little Eastern Screech Owl. Since they are relatively common to the area, I've seen adults in the wild, but never a chick. And to hold is incredible. With native species, the World Bird Sanctuary's goal for every bird is to heal, care for, and release it into the wild. While this is not always possible because of injury, this little guy is well on his way to a normal owl life.

If you find a fledgling, keep an eye on it and call your local animal rescue/conservation group before you intervene. It often takes a specialist to determine whether or not a chick needs our help. However, in the case of obvious injury or immediate danger, bring the chick to your local rescue.

These pictures show WBS staff member, Donna, with the new owl. After posing for some pictures, he went directly into a brooder in our baby room. Since then, he and another rescued screech owl have grown enough to thermoregulate and "graduated" to an adult enclosure (still in the baby room). They have limited human contact in order to avoid imprinting.

If you'd like to help feed and care for this wee one and our other rescues, you can make a secure donation of any amount (even a dollar helps!) by clicking the donation button on the right or calling 636-861-3225.


  1. That owl is just too cute. Thank you for helping those animals in need!!

    It shows that one person CAN make a difference!!!

  2. Yes!!!

    WBS staff amazes me. It takes a lot of dedication to work for a non-profit, and they are some of the most amazing people in the world.

    All of our supporters and readers and visitors are a vital part of the organization too!

  3. Thanks for including this little friend on the blog! Donna McCall
