Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mischief the raven can't say goodbye

Every year Mischief, our white naped raven, leaves her life of luxury at our Education Training Center (where I volunteer) to perform for half the year in our education programs. When she isn't taking money to stuff in the donations box, she is on view at our visitor center during summer and fall. I tried to teach her majesty to say goodbye for the camera, but she doesn't believe in goodbyes.

When Mischief goes out, her sister Lenore moves in to revel in six months of pampering. I'll have videos of Lenore posted soon, but here's a little picture of my new favorite raven. And yes, I say that to all the ravens, but you gotta love the one you're with!

Click to enlarge


  1. You've got to be kidding me! The raven speaks? I have got to get down to visit. Thanks for sharing these posts with MOBirds.

  2. She does! I've read (in Mind of the Raven) of ravens using sentences, imitating human laughter and mechanical noises.

    Mischief says "hello" in a man's voice and "hi" in two different woman voices.

    She awesome. Do come visit! In August we'll have free concerts with humans and birds performing!
