Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our grey buzzard eagle...

I took some photos of Bud, our grey buzzard eagle, recently and thought he'd make a good subject for a blog post since he is celebrating his 50th birthday this year. That's right, 50! Bud was born in 1958 (for trivia lovers, that's the same year Elvis was inducted into the army and Wham-O gave us the hula hoop).

Bud came to the World Bird Sanctuary from the Jacksonville Zoological Gardens and has been a cherished member of our family ever since. He's still a handsome guy, don't you think?


  1. I had a chance to use this bird in education programs. To this day he is one of my favorite birds and most amazing.

    Cathy S.


    He is such a gorgeous bird. He doesnt look his age at all.

    In the wild, do they live this long?

  3. Nope. The lifespan with birds of prey, and animals in general, is typically doubled in captivity. This guy is one of the most gorgeous birds I've ever seen!

  4. In the wild if this if he survived his first year he would only live to about 10 maybe 20 years if lucky. About 70% of all birds of prey do not make it through their first year in the wild. This is due to starvation, injuries, illness, etc.
