Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We have a Kookaburra!

If you haven't been to visit the sanctuary in a while, you'll be surprised to find a new resident, the kookaburra! She's so new I don't even know if she has a name yet (somebody give a shout out if she does). In this video, Cathy captures her morning vocalizing. She's pretty awesome!


  1. Hey
    what a great girl... we'd love to see more pictures!
    It seems to me that the obvious name for this giant KF is Matilda, as in Waltzing...
    Can you put something in the cage or maybe a person so that we can see her relative size?
    This new resident is worth making a special trip to St. Louis.
    thanks for all, Laura

  2. She's a great Kookaburra. Actually, most Kookaburras don't "laugh" until they are comfortable with their surroundings, which may take years. This one has only been with us for about a month! These guys are about the size of a macaw.

  3. Matilda is an awesome name! I'll pass it on.

    And I'll try to get more pictures next week. She's a great bird.

    Please do come and visit us! We're doing weekend programs now in addition to our Birds In Concert. I'll be posting more on the programs soon.

    We'd love to see you!

  4. She is so cute, her vocalizations were neat too!!

    I think her name should be Kyra because it seems like a neat name for her.

    I agree, i would love to make the trip to WBS to see her and the many other amazing birds. I love in Indiana and will be there hopefully in the next 6 months!!

    Thanks for all you do for the birds.
