Thursday, September 18, 2008

Adopt a Bird Spotlight: Chrys (Long Crested Eagle)

Chrys's Story

Species: Long Crested Eagle
Received: 12/9/87

Chrys was captured in the wild in his native Africa to be sold on the U.S. black market pet trade. When the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service discovered and confiscated him, they found that his beautiful, distinctive crest had been cut off to disguise him. He was eventually turned over to the World Bird Sanctuary, and is still with us.

When he first arrived, Chrys was not at all accustomed to people. However, with a lot of patience and training on the part of his handlers, he began going to programs and became comfortable around large crowds. Even though Chrys has a very nice disposition, he is still a little wary of sudden movements in his vicinity, and definitely has a mind of his own. He is a prime example of the consequences of habitat loss and the evils of the black market pet trade.

To adopt Chrys, simply click our donation button, make a donation of $150, and specify in your payment notes: Adopt-a-bird: CHRYS. Also include your name, phone number, and mailing address so that we can send you your adoption materials!

Every donation helps to feed, house, and provide medical care for the snake of your choice! Adopt-A-Bird (and snake) Parents Receive:

  • *A personal visit with the bird you adopt!!!!! Call 636-861-3225 to set up a time for
  • your personal visit.
  • * Certificate of Adoption
  • * Color photo of the snake you've adopted
  • * Sponsorship Card
  • * One year's subscription to Mews News (our quarterly newsletter)
  • * Life History and Natural History of the snake
  • * 10% Discount off WBS merchandise
  • * Invitation to Sponsors-only events like Camera Day
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  • * WBS Decal

Natural History

long crested eagle
Lophaetus occipitalis

Description small for an eagle; very dark brown or black body; white patches at the wing joints; long, broad wings with white underwing coverts spotted with black; broad tail with a white base; grayish white tarsi; fully feathered legs with slender talons; long crest; golden to reddish brown eyes; yellow cere and feet

Sex: they are alike except the female is slightly larger

Age: juveniles have whiter tips to their neck feathers, a less prominent crest, and a more mottled appearance in general; their eyes are a dark olive-brown and their feet and cere a pale ochre-yellow

Length: 21-22”

Wingspan: 3.7-4.2’

Weight: 2.9 lbs.

Habitat: mostly seen in moist savannahs and riverine strips through drier country; cleared forests that are now cultivated; wherever large trees and open country are mixed; prefers inhabited areas to uninhabited bush

Status: not globally threatened

Range: sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to Ethiopia and south to the Cape

Behavior: nests in large, leafy trees; build large stick nests, the deep central cup lined with green leaves; lay 1-2 eggs; dull white with cloudy brown, gray, and lilac marks; only the female incubates; fully feathered at 28 days; fledge at 55 days; parents feed for 2 weeks after it leaves the nest; generally only 1 chick survives; does most of it’s hunting from a tree or telegraph pole during the early morning and dusk hours

Diet: small mammals caught on the ground; lizards and small snakes; small rodents and occasionally young poultry

Vocalization: a loud clear ringing “keeee-eh” or “keeee-ee-af”; “kik-kik-kik-kik-keeee”; calls frequently

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome eagle with a very distinctive flight pattern. I was lucky to have seen many of these while growing up in the Natal Midlands, SA. The weird thing about these eagles is that very little is known about their nesting behavior. This is probably a result of their nest locations - thickest of Eucalyptus trees.

    Thanks for the picture and bringing back some awesome memories
