Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Adopt a Bird Spotlight: Max (Tawny Eagle)

Max's Story

Species: Tawny Eagle
Hatched: 2002

Max was hatched by a pair of tawny eagles that WBS has on loan in Florida. Max was brought to St. Louis, along with his brother Diablo, to become a part of the World Bird Sanctuary's education team. Max is a very calm bird who has participated in many education programs throughout the Midwest.

This beautiful bird, native to Africa, Asia, and India, can be seen sunning himself most days in the weathering area at WBS headquarters in Valley Park, Missouri. Your adoption donation helps keep Max on display so that those who have never seen a Tawny Eagle in its native habitat can learn about this majestic and beautiful species.

To adopt Max, simply click our donation button, make a donation of $150, and specify in your payment notes: Adopt-a-bird: MAX. Also include your name, phone number, and mailing address so that we can send you your adoption materials!

Every donation helps to feed, house, and provide medical care for the bird of your choice! Adopt-A-Bird Parents Receive:

  • *A personal visit with the bird you adopt!!!!! Call 636-861-3225 to set up a time for
  • your personal visit.
  • * Certificate of Adoption
  • * Color photo of the bird you've adopted
  • * Sponsorship Card
  • * One year's subscription to Mews News (our quarterly newsletter)
  • * Life History and Natural History of the bird
  • * 10% Discount off WBS merchandise
  • * Invitation to Sponsors-only events like Camera Day
  • * Discounts on WBS Special Events
  • * WBS Decal

Natural History

tawny eagle
Aquila rapax

Description medium to large bird with a variably tawny head and upper body; hooked bill and fully feathered legs; rounded tail and long wings

Sex: the females are larger than the males; the females may be darker and more streaked

Age: immature birds are paler then the adults

Length: 24-28”

Wingspan: 5.4-6.1’

Weight: 4.29-5.5 lbs.

Habitat: desert, semi-desert, steppes, open savannah; not found in forests or deserts

Status: common resident but locally threatened

Range: Rumania east through the south Russian, south Siberian and Kirghi steppes east through Transbaikalia to Mongolia; south through Arabia, India and in most of Africa

Behavior: nest between March and July on a large stick platform in trees, usually Acacia; usually lay 2 eggs that are white, plain or blotchy with rusty red and gray; the incubation period is 42-44 days with one chick usually killing the other; only the northern populations are migratory; can be found in concentrations where food is plentiful

Diet: mostly fresh carrion; mammals up to rabbit size, small to medium rodents, lizards, snakes, seasonal insects, birds up to the size of a guinea fowl; often pirates food from other raptors; kills prey on the ground

Vocalization: hoarse, sharp barking “kyow”; rather silent except in nuptial display or aggression

√ Also known as the steppes eagle

Adopt A Bird spotlights are written and photographed by Gay Schroer.

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