Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Meet Fred the Turkey

Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday we wanted to introduce you to one of our celebrities, Fred the Turkey. 

Fred's star has been rising fast since the release of our in-house band's "Save the Future" CD.  This entertaining and educational children's CD was created and is performed by our talented "Raptor Project" band.  By far one of the favorite songs on the CD is "A Turkey Named Fred", which accounts for the meteoric rise of Fred's popularity.  

Of course, there are other species featured on the CD, such as "The Vulture Song", "The Owl Song", "Don't Be a Dodo", "The Raven Song", and "Hawk of the Highway" to name just a few.  However, Fred's not worried.  He's convinced that a bird with his magnificent presence can stave off the competition.

 Just to be on the safe side, though, he's keeping a low profile until after this Thursday!

If you'd like to hear about Fred and his competition, copies of the CD can be purchased in our Raptique Gift Shop.  What a great gift for the little ones on your Christmas list!  Pssst!  I'll let you in on a little known secret.  The big kids will like it too!

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