Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Whoo's Who - #2

Were you successful in identifying the species of owl in last week's "Whooo's Who?"  How about the calls that each species issues?  If you weren't able to identify them, it's not too late.  Just check below in last week's posts for the answers.

Have you figured out what all that hooting, hissing, screeching and trilling is all about?  
It's the equivalent of dating--and here are the results!  See if you can identify to which species our babies belong. 

 I'll start you out with a hint.  The first photo in our lineup is a basketful of Barn Owls.  (More on these guys later.) The rest are for you to have fun with!  Don't be shy--jump in there and give us your guesses!  Look for the answers next week.

For more interesting and fascinating facts about owls, join us for one of our Owl Prowl programs being presented now through the end of February.  Registration is required, so don't wait too long to reserve a spot in one of these popular events.  It's a nighttime adventure the whole family will enjoy.  


Owl Prowls last approximately 1-1/2 hour and begin at 7:00 p.m.  Remember to dress for the weather as part of the program is held outside on our trails while we try to "hoot up" our local owls.

Cost is $9.00 for adults and $7.00 for children.  
For reservations call:  636-225-4390

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