Saturday, April 18, 2009

Adopt A Bird - Trucker

Trucker's Story

Species:  Swainson's Hawk
Hatched:  Spring 2004

We estimate that Trucker is a probable male due to his size.  Usually the males are smaller than the females.  (It is often difficult to tell the sex of a raptor without doing an invasive procedure to be certain.)

The World Bird Sanctuary acquired Trucker from a rescue organization in Nebraska, where he had received extensive medical treatment.  Upon arrival at our Nature Center he was released into one of our large mews for observation, where it soon became obvious that he had become too accustomed to humans to be released into the wild.

It was decided that he would make an excellent education bird, so he was fostered by staff members for the next three months to accustom him to situations he would encounter during the programs presented by our Office of Wildlife Learning (O.W.L.)  Since April of 2005 Trucker has become a valued member of our Education Department, traveling to venues throughout the country with our Education Department staff.

Like all creatures, Trucker has his own individual little traits.  He has a rubber turtle friend that he loves to toss around and beat up, loves to fling food and make a mess, and does not like the color red.  

To adopt Trucker, simply click our DONATION button, make a donation of $100, and specify in your payment notes:  Adopt-a-Bird:  TRUCKER.  Also be sure to include your name, phone number, and mailing address so that we can send your adoption materials!

Every donation helps to feed, house, and provide medical care for the bird of your choice!  Adopt-A-Bird parents receive:

° A personal visit with the bird you adopt!!  Call 636-861-3225 to set up a time for your personal visit.
° Certificate of Adoption
° Color photo of the bird you've adopted
° Sponsorship Card
° One year's subscription to Mews News (our quarterly newsletter)
° Life History and Natural History of the bird
° 10% discount off WBS merchandise
° Invitations to Sponsors-only events like Camera Day
° Discounts on WBS Special Events
° WBS Decal

Natural History

swainson’s hawk
Buteo swainsonii

 Description:      Slender raptor, slightly smaller in size than a Red-tailed Hawk, with a slightly longer wingspan and slimmer wings than other soaring hawks; common color pattern is dark brown plumage with a brown chest and pale belly; in flight, holds wings in a shallow “V” and teeters in flight like a Turkey Vulture; in-flight diagnostics are pointed wings and two toned effect of pale wing linings and dark flight feathers; adults have a pale body with dark “bib” on chest and noticeable white throat patch; there are two color variations—a light morph and a dark morph

Sex:                 Sexually mature at 2 years; monogamous

Age:                high mortality from traffic collisions, shooting, electrocution

Length:            17-22”

Wingspan:       4-4.5’

Weight:            1.5-2.5 lbs

Habitat:            open grasslands, prairies, farmlands and deserts that have some trees for nesting

Status:             fairly common

Range:             summers and breeds in the plains of western North America, as far north as Alaska and as far south as Mexico; winter range is the pampas of Argentina, with a few wintering in Florida

Behavior:         nests are built of sticks and lined with greenery, usually placed low in a tree, bush or shrub; female lays 2-3 eggs, incubated 34-35 days; young fledge at about 6 weeks; known to congregate in large flocks during winter migration; will follow tractors or stay close to prairie fires in search of disturbed prey

Diet:                mainly large insects such as dragonflies, but will take rodents, reptiles, amphibians, bats and young or disabled birds during breeding season

Vocalization:   mostly silent; gives a shrill “kearrr” similar to a Red-tailed Hawk when alarmed or disturbed, or during an aggression display



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