Friday, September 4, 2009

International Vulture Awareness Day!

World Bird Sanctuary is proud to be part of International Vulture Awareness Day 2009.

The Birds of Prey Working Group of EWT in South Africa and the Hawk Conservancy Trust in England are proud to host the first International Vulture Awareness Day. Organizations in Africa, Europe, the Americas and South-Asia
are celebrating this day with a variety of events worldwide.

Vulture Awareness Day aims to create greater awareness of vultures and to highlight the important work done by the world’s vulture conservationists. Each participating organization will organize activities that highlight vulture conservation and awareness.

If you are near St. Louis, come to World Bird Sanctuary on Saturday September 5th where we have vulture exhibits, and you can meet Turk, our resident Turkey Vulture in our Amazing Animal Encounter programs at 11.30am and 2pm. If you aren't in the St. Louis area, click here to find out what is happening near you.

Our in-house band, The Raptor Project, wrote and produced the popular Vulture Song for their CD "Save the Future" - listen to "Eeew!, vultures are gross, but we need them the most" here! If you like it, you can support our Raptor Hospital by buying it from our website, itunes or on Rhapsody.

1 comment:

  1. I missed it. I'm sorry for that/vultures are cool and in the midwest (St. Louis) you seem them all of the time - until the eagles come back home.
