Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's Almost Here!!

Don't forget to set aside October 17 & 18 for the World Bird Sanctuary Open House weekend.

This year's Open House will feature our new "Wings Over Watershed" programs.  Meet Scoop and Mudflap, our watershed mascots, as well as many of our other birds.  This year's festivities will concentrate on water conservation.  Meet representatives from the Missouri American Water Company who will answer questions on what we can all do to conserve water.

Take a tour of our lower site, where you can meet Dorothy our young Andean Condor, and see the large free flight mews where many of our breeding pairs are housed.

Walk to the end of the trail to the building called "The Roost", where members of our Field Studies team will be doing bird banding demonstrations and answering questions from those guests interested in this aspect of our organization.

Have your photo taken holding one of our raptors, browse our gift shop and other booths for souveniers, have lunch under one of our picnic pavilions, and just have a fun and entertaining day in general.

Wind up the day with a performance by our in-house musical group, The Raptor Project.

As always, admission is FREE.

Mark your calendar --
October 17 & 18
10 am to 4 pm

Wear your walking shoes and dress for the weather.  For the safety of our guests and our animals, no pets please.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we will DEFINITELY be there. It's the highlight of our whole year. Let's hope the weather is as good as it has been in the past few years. We might even try to be there both days this year!!!
