Saturday, November 7, 2009


It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that Chester, the Harris' Hawk, has passed away.  He was 27 years old--double the normal lifespan for his species.

Chester originally came to us from a falconer who could not keep him.  He quickly became a favorite of all those who worked with him.  In his long career he has appeared at Busch Gardens Tampa, Louisville Zoo,  Denver Zoo, North Carolina Zoo, and Cleveland MetroParks Zoo, as well as performing at hundreds of other events throughout the country with our Office of Wildlife Learning staff.

For the last several years he has been greeting visitors to our facility from his perch on the upper nature trail.  He will be missed by staff, volunteers and visitors alike.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Chester, I didn't know that you had left us till I read this. Thank you for being such a patient teacher. You were the first living hawk that stepped to my arm, up close and personal. When I would take you to your outdoors stand, visitors always admired your beautiful feathers, your handsome hawk face, and your calm demeanor. May you forever soar high on the other side!
