Sunday, November 22, 2009

If Nature Calls, Are You Listening??

Do you know how to talk to the animals?

I have had the good fortune of volunteering at WBS for several years, and became a staff member earlier this year.  My time here has allowed me to work with a variety of bird species, reptiles and mammals.  My favorites will always be the birds, and over time I have come to know some of our residents fairly well.  Strangely, they seem to have come to know me too. Before my introduction to WBS, I hadn’t given much thought to a bird of prey having a personality.  I certainly believe otherwise now.

One of my favorite ways to interact with our birds is simply by trying to “speak” their language.  With a keen ear and a little practice, one can learn the calls of the numerous birds on our site, from birds of prey to a wide variety of songbirds.  I can’t seem to go anywhere on this property without hooting or “barking” at one of the birds in hope that they will respond.  When they do, it’s pretty fantastic.  I have actually had guests follow me around as I visit some of our exhibits just to hear the bantering between us.

During the summer months, some of my favorite birds to interact with are the Laughing Kookaburra’s.  They are quite entertaining as they call back and forth.

In the fall I love to get the Great Horned, Barred and Eurasian Eagle Owls hooting.  They are generally more responsive as they approach their nesting season.  Throughout the year I have pretty good success at getting a response from the Screech Owls, Tawny Eagles, Tawny Owl,  Fred the Turkey and many more.  Our ravens and a variety of parrots are pretty vocal, and will ham it up for most anyone.

I have been referred to as “Dr. Dolittle” by some, because they say that I “talk” to the animals.  I just take it in stride, and try not to turn red in the face, which is easier said than done.  I love to interact with the birds one on one, but am shy about making silly owl noises in front of folks.

If you develop your calling skills well enough, you may be able to call in a wild owl on our site, or even in your neighborhood.  For a great and unique opportunity to hone up on your calling abilities, join us for one of our “Owl Prowls”. 

Owl Prowl dates are:
Nov. 20, 21, & 28
Dec. 12, 18 & 19
Jan. 2, 8, 9, 22, 29, & 30
Feb. 5, 12, 20, 26, & 27

Location:  World Bird Sanctuary Nature Center (for directions click HERE)
Time:  7 pm (prowls last 1-1/2 to 2 hrs.)
Cost:  $9/adult, $7/child under 12

Call for reservations:  636-225-4390, Ext. 0  (Owl Prowls fill quickly -- call today!)

Be sure to wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather.

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator

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