Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday Crew

In an organization like the World Bird Sanctuary there are many unsung heroes--those people who will do whatever is necessary without expecting recognition or praise.

One group of such heroes is our Tuesday Crew.  As the name implies, they show up every Tuesday, rain or shine, to tackle the myriad construction and maintenance tasks that need doing.  Our list is always long.

These men come in many different ages, shapes, sizes and backgrounds.  Most of them have some construction background--some of them don't.  What they all have in common is the willingness to do whatever is needed to maintain a main facility and other buildings that sprawl out over several hundred acres.

The other day I caught up with them when they were trying to work out the logistics of building the most efficient shelving system for our new walk-in freezer.

The next day's project might find them building a wall or hanging a door.

Another day might find them installing a ceiling fan in our offices, or repairing one of our rehabilitation flight cages.  Whatever we need done, they always seem to find a way to get the job done, no matter how impossible the request may seem.

The thing that impresses me the most about these gentlemen is their camaraderie and sense of humor.  They always seem to be having a good time no matter what they're doing.

The World Bird Sanctuary is always in need of people with carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC or mechanical know-how.  If you fit this profile and would be interested in volunteering your services Click Here for a volunteer form, or call 636-225-4390, Ext. 0 and ask for Teri, or email her at

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