Wednesday, November 18, 2009

World Bird Sanctuary Inspired My Daughter!

Every once in a while we receive a letter or comment from an audience member that reminds us why we do what we do!  

Each year World Bird Sanctuary presents environmental education programs in the Quad Cities featuring bald eagles.  In early November 2009, World Bird Sanctuary received the following letter from proud father, Mr. Shawn Cisna:

“My name is Mr. Shawn Cisna. My family and I live in the country outside of Galva, Illinois about an hour south of the Quad Cities.

I wanted to share with you a story about my daughter Jennalynn Cisna. For the past four years we have attended the Bald Eagle Days at the Quad City Expo Center. My daughter was so inspired by the program conducted by the World Bird Sanctuary that she wrote a story and illustrated it. She then decided to enter her storybook entitled “The Bald Eagle” into the Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators contest through our local public television station (WTVP).

Jennalynn won first place in the Second Grade category. Her story went on as an entry in the national level. Her story was posted on the national website. Jennalynn was so proud of herself and her accomplishments.

As a proud father, I wanted to thank you folks for your educational programs and hard work.

Last year about this time, we had several bald eagles hanging out at our farm roughly an hour away from the Mississippi. My kids were so excited about that and enjoyed nature’s educational opportunity. We are keeping our eyes to the sky in hopes we see them again this year.

Please send our appreciation to the people who are doing good things at World Bird Sanctuary. We will see you at the next Bald Eagle Days for sure.”

You can read Jennalynn’s storybook here:

World Bird Sanctuary would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Jennalyn on her winning submission to the Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Ilustrators Content.  At World Bird Sanctuary it is stories like these that let us know our hard work is paying off, and we are successful at achieving our mission.

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