Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last two days to cast your vote for WBS - please vote now!

Friends of World Bird Sanctuary,

Tomorrow, December 11,  is the last day for you to cast your vote for World Bird Sanctuary in Round 1 of the Chase Community Giving Challenge!  Vote now by clicking on the link today - there are only a few hours of voting left!

If you are on Facebook, you can help World Bird Sanctuary to win much-needed funds from the Chase Giving program with just one click!

Chase Giving has established a Facebook Fan Page.

Chase Giving is giving away $5,000,000 to local charities through their Facebook fan page.  You can help us to win some of that money by voting for WBS to receive funds.

Please click on the link to become a Fan of Chase Giving, then enter World Bird Sanctuary and press go to cast your vote.  And then forward the link to all of your friends and ask them to vote too!  Remember, there is no cost to you to cast your vote, and it would help us tremendously!

The deadline is December 11th, so please vote now!

It couldn't be easier!

Thank you!

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