Monday, February 15, 2010

Heads Up!

How many of us ever really look up?

Earlier this week, as I headed up the hill from the Nature Center at WBS, I could hear Liberty (one of our resident Bald Eagles) sounding his alarm call.  I was quick to look to the skies to see if there were any “intruders” about.  I was startled by none other than a mature bald eagle perched atop a tree right by our Visitor’s Information Center.  Now when I say startled, I mean it scared me!  One of those “Whoa!” moments.  Well, I must have startled him with my excited exclamation, and he took to the sky.  As I watched him head toward the river, I saw another adult bald eagle join him in the air.  Spectacular!  As I watched the pair soar effortlessly, to my amazement, I saw yet another mature bald eagle in flight.  As the trio glided through the air, I watched in awe, as one eagle locked talons with another, spinning and spiraling out of control, just for a moment.  They separated for seconds, and then locked talons again.  All the while the third eagle continued to fly nearby.  I was unable to take my eyes off of them until they drifted completely out of my sight.  I was too excited to contain myself.  As soon as I returned to the Nature Center, I was telling the story with great enthusiasm (and animation).

I have the rare privilege of seeing and working with eagles and other birds of prey on a daily basis.  Still, there is nothing quite as exhilarating as seeing these “masters of the sky” in all their glory and splendor.  It never gets old.  I look forward to eagle season all year, every year, and I am fortunate that I don’t have to go very far from home to see them.  Even if I did, it would still be worth it.

Today I had the opportunity to go out eagle watching with Cathy Spahn, Field Studies Coordinator.  We saw around four-dozen eagles in all, most of them in Alton, Illinois.  The numbers pale in comparison to last year’s record counts, but I speculate that the weather is to blame.  With the “warming trend”, as open water is made more available, it is predicted that we will see the local eagle numbers on the rise.

Coming back from Alton, Illinois, as we crossed the Mississippi River, with the Gateway Arch in sight, we saw a pair of adult bald eagles flying overhead.  Magnificent!  As I made my way down Highway 141 toward the Meramec River, much to my surprise, I saw a pair of mature bald eagles soaring right above a shopping center.  Both sightings made me wonder how many people drive right underneath these wondrous displays, and never look beyond what is right in front of them.  Now, I am not suggesting any kind of “creative driving” here, but if and when you can, give a “heads up” and an occasional glance to the sky.  You just might have the opportunity to witness something absolutely breathtaking.

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator


  1. Pretty nice blog you've got here. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

    Best regards

  2. Glad you liked it and hope you will come back and visit us often.

  3. I am so jealous that you live in an area where bald eagles are so near. They really are a beautiful bird to watch. Thanks for posting about them.
