Thursday, January 14, 2010

Raptor Kids

What has 20 legs, hoots like an owl, and howls like a wolf?  Why it's the Raptor Kids of course!

Is that a hoot or a howl?  Find out at our Spring Concert later this year
Shortly before Christmas the ten youngsters who make up the Raptor Kids chorus assembled at the Music Masters Recording Studio to record their portion of the new, soon to be released, CD by our ever popular in-house musical group, The Raptor Project.

Rehearsing one of their songs with Joe and Roger
The youngsters range in age from fifteen to nine years old.  Some of them were old hands at this recording business, since they had already performed on the group's first CD, "Save the Future".  However, some were new to the group, and this was an exciting new experience.

Being coached by Roger
After being coached by lead singers Roger Holloway and Joe Hoffman on the use of the headsets, and where their part fit into the songs, they began the job of becoming real recording artists.  Now, this wasn't your usual run-of-the-mill recording session!  How many recording studios get performers that hoot like an owl, howl like a wolf, and sing about frogs and possums?

The kids taking a break between songs
Even though they had been practicing their parts at home, and already knew the words, they soon found out that being recording stars could be hard work.  However, they know that when the CD is finally released late this spring all their hard work will be worth the effort.

Greg Trampe, owner, producer, engineer of Music Masters, showing the kids how the sound mixing equipment works.
Watch this blog for information about a special concert to kick off the release of the new CD later this Spring.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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