Monday, January 18, 2010

Where Does It All Go?

Have you seen the landfills that are right in our own backyards?  They have nicknames, “Garbage Mountains”.  There’s one within eyesight of WBS, and it’s just about to reach maximum capacity, as are many others.  I have seen the one near Gateway International Raceway in Illinois. It’s massive, and reaching capacity, as well.  Then what?  Where will the garbage go then?  Good question. 

We can do something in the meantime.  Do you or your family recycle?  It takes a little extra effort, but it is every individual’s responsibility to do their part to try and leave the land better than they found it.  Recycling is one of the easiest ways to do just that.  You might not give it much thought, but that soda can, shampoo bottle, pickle jar, etc., all adds up.  It’s shocking to me when it’s time to haul my own recycling and I see how quickly it has added up, just in my little domain.  It’s even more amazing when I get to the recycling center and see the mass of rejected items that have been saved from the landfills. 

It is great to be a part of an organization such as the World Bird Sanctuary, which is continually striving to educate people and encourages them to make environmentally friendly choices.  We have the opportunity to inform people of all ages about endangered species, recycling, saving habitat, clean water, conserving energy, and more, every day.  We are doing what we can to make an impact, but it takes everyone doing their part to make a difference. 

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator

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