Saturday, February 27, 2010

Exciting News!

What has two legs, fur, wings, and flies--and is now on permanent exhibit at the World Bird Sanctuary's Nature Center?
Batty and Scar clustered together in a typical formation for this species
.....and the answer is....Batty and Scar, our two Straw Colored Fruit bats!

Batty and Scar were given to WBS by the Milwaukee County Zoo at the age of two years.  Up to that point they had not been handled much, except for check-ups.  When they arrived at the World Bird Sanctuary our first goal was to gain their trust so that they would become comfortable in the presence of humans.  With many hours of patient training they have now become accustomed enough to human activity that they will be comfortable in our display area in the Nature Center.
Batty showing off her large ears and alert eyes
Why do we have bats, you may ask?  As the only mammal that truly flies, they are an excellent example of the differences between birds and mammals.  This information is incorporated in many of our education programs--especially for the younger children.

Look for "the boys" the next time you visit us.  Even though most bats look alike, if you are sharp-eyed enough, you may even be able to tell them apart, since Scar gets his name from a small scar on his lip.
Scar  in a typical "bat-like" posture, showing the seldom seen tongue and teeth of a bat
Batty and Scar are both available for adoption.  For more information on adopting one or both of the boys, call 636-861-3225.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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