Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring Fever!

Okay, so the weather outside could still be described as frightful, or at least not very pretty. 

It seems a little early for thoughts of flowers and sunshine, but last week a little ray of light happened in my window.  I received a copy of the first mix, or edited version, of the Raptor Project’s upcoming CD, “All Along the Watershed.”  As one of the “Hot Wings” backup singers on the album, I couldn’t wait to hear how all of those long hours in the studio back in December had come together. 
Dana checking out the mixing board
The process of putting together all the individual pieces of a song and an album is really amazing.  Technology allows so much freedom in the ability to mess with one chord or to move something around, little things that in the past would have caused you to have to do that section again (and AGAIN…)  Not that there weren’t a fair amount of redo’s!  For many of the individuals in the band, it was the first time in a studio, making the situation, at times, a little overwhelming.  Standing there in front of your peers, headphones on, staring into the big dark window separating you from them…yikes!  You want to sound perfect every time, hit the nail right on the head, be brilliant!...well, let me tell you, THAT doesn’t always happen.  Luckily, our group is very supportive of each other and great with brainstorming new things to try, so even if you splatter a note here and there, it at least ends in laughing, not crying!
Roger in the studio laying down one of his tracks
There were several recording days in the studio that I couldn’t attend, as I was busy doing programs and such in the Education Department, so there were also chunks of music that had been laid down that I had never heard until yesterday.   There were moments that took my breath away.  There were moments I laughed out loud.  And, I have to admit, there was at least one song that sounded so different with all the components put together, I actually didn’t know what song it was until the singing started.  What an amazing transformation!

So, where does spring fever come into this tale of transformation, you might be asking?  Transformation is what spring is all about, after all, and our much-loved and nurtured album will be making its debut on Saturday, May 1, 2010.  More information about its coming-out-party festivities will be made available as the date nears.  In the meantime, I hope this ray of light whets the appetites of new and old fans alike.  You can expect more funny tales about fabulous animals and more songs that get stuck in your heads for days!  (Those are the parents’ favorites, I know!)  As for me, I have to shove off and finish painting, so that our CD can have a cover as excellent as what’s inside!

Submitted by Dana Lambert, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

1 comment:

  1. When the CD release party happens, bring all of your favorite "Animal Noises" as that track will be an easy sing along. It provides alot of room for embellishment with all the animal sounds on the CD and around WBS property. The birds might sing along too!!!
