Monday, March 22, 2010


Casa Gallardo Mexican Restaurants in St. Louis are generously hosting a fundraiser for World Bird Sanctuary's Wildlife Hospital on Thursday, March 25th.

When you present a copy of the fundraiser flyer to your server at any Casa Gallardo restaurant in St. Louis between 11 am and 10 pm on Thursday, March 25th, they will donate 25% of your total food bill to the WBS Wildlife Hospital.

So, mark your calendars for lunch and dinner on March 25th - then encourage your family, friends and colleagues to print off this flyer and eat at Casa Gallardo on Thursday, March 25th!

It couldn't be easier, and will benefit our wildlife hospital.  World Bird Sanctuary receives no local, state or federal funding.  Our hospital relies entirely on donations from members of the public.  All donations received from this fundraiser will go directly towards helping us pay for medical supplies and food for the birds in our hospital.

 NOTE:  NO FLYER, NO DONATION - so click here or go to our website homepage to print the flier today!

Please feel free to print and copy as many of these flyers as you need to hand out at work and to your families and friends!

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