Friday, March 5, 2010

Haiku – Peregrine Falcon

One of our talented staff members, Laura MacLeod, has written a number of Haikus honoring the fascinating creatures with which she works every day.  These short haikus sum up the characteristics of these amazing creatures in a nutshell.  We will be publishing them from time to time and hope you enjoy them.
Millenium, our beautiful Peregrine Falcon, appearing at a Renaissance Festival
Peregrine Falcon
Swift and sleek hunter
Powerful, airborne fighter
Jet speed, raptor queen

Submitted by Laura MacLeod, World Bird Sanctuary Education Coordinator


  1. Nicely expressed!

  2. Beautiful! I love to read poetry when the author is passionate about her topic!

  3. Good variety.
    Nicely summed up messaging.
    Keep up the good work.
    (The poetry keeps flowing;)
