Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Here's your opportunity to be part of a unique event -- a RETURN TO THE WILD!

Case #030110, a Red Shouldered Hawk, was admitted to the World Bird Sanctuary hospital on March 2, 2010.

He was found in Wildwood, struggling on the side of the road.  It is believed he was a victim of a collision with a car.  After a thorough examination, it was determined there were no broken bones.  He is currently being treated to reduce swelling and inflammation and appears to be doing quite well.

Barring any unexpected complications, he should be ready for release soon. 

YOU could become part of this happy story by becoming a RETURN TO THE WILD sponsor for this lucky bird.  A RETURN TO THE WILD sponsorship entitles the sponsor to become the one who actually releases the bird back into the wild in an appropriate location.  For more details Click Here.

Questions about Return To The Wild?  Call or email

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer

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