Monday, April 19, 2010

Corporate Challenge

Would you like your company to support the environment and be publicly recognized for this commitment?

An injured Barred Owl being tube fed as supportive therapy until he is strong enough to eat on his own.

The World Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Hospital Corporate Challenge
The World Bird Sanctuary has launched a Corporate Challenge to help fund the Wildlife Hospital.  The Hospital has been serving the wider Missouri community for over 30 years, providing medical care and rehabilitation services to approximately 250-350 sick and injured birds of prey each year.    Most of the cases that are admitted to the Wildlife Hospital have received an injury or are poisoned as a consequence of direct or indirect human encounter – collisions with buildings or vehicles, entrapment in sports nets, traps or fishing line, and being accidentally or purposefully shot.

A very young Red-tailed hawk who's nest was blown down in a storm being treated for an injured wing.

The World Bird Sanctuary Wildlife Hospital does not charge for admissions and receives no state or federal funding.  The hospital relies entirely on donations from individuals and organizations to keep its doors open.  This is where your corporate gift can earn you goodwill. 
A Great Blue Heron being treated for a wing injury.

Your customers and employees pay attention to what you’re doing in the community.
Corporate support is critical to the success of the World Bird Sanctuary, but sponsoring the World Bird Sanctuary is a great business decision for your company.
·      84% of Americans say they are likely to switch brands, when price and quality are equal, to help support a cause.
·      75% of Americans say a company’s commitment to causes is important when they decide which products and services to recommend to others.
·      Employees whose companies support causes are 40% more likely to say that they are proud of their company’s values and nearly 25% more likely to be loyal to their employers.
(Source: 2002 Cone Corporate Citizenship Study)

A family watching through our viewing window as a bird is treated for it's injuries.

Your Corporate Membership to World Bird Sanctuary makes a difference! 
You can help World Bird Sanctuary to continue to successfully treat and release sick, injured and orphaned birds back to the wild.  We are a credible organization with 30 years experience of creating successful environmental protection and education strategies.  Your corporate membership will help us continue serving the communities of Missouri and beyond by providing high-quality and successful raptor rehabilitation services that will help us to better determine and understand the problems facing wildlife in our modern world.  Raptor rehabilitation allows us to learn more about and understand the importance of ecosystems and our obligations to the next generation.  It also affords us the opportunity to use the information in the continual improvement and development of our successful environmental education programs that encourage students to improve the quality of the wildlife habitat that surrounds them and to take accountability for managing the earths’ resources in a sustainable manner.

A pelican being examined by our volunteer vet who gives so generously of her time.

Your Corporate Membership in support of our Wildlife Hospital shows the St. Louis community that you care.

Gold Membership
Brick with company name and sponsorship year engraved on brick to be laid in our amphitheater steps.
8”x8” brick
Certificate of Membership indicating membership tier to be displayed at organization.
Listing on corporate membership page of Mews News newsletter.  Printed 3 times per year with distribution of 6,000.
Listing on corporate membership page of WBS website.
Yes - with logo
Number of issues of each issue of Mews News per year.
6 per issue
18 issues per year
Electronic issue of Mews News that can be uploaded to company’s internal staff website for viewing.
Organization name and logo displayed at annual on-site public events.
Open House (3rd Sat 
& Sun in October)
World Eagle Day (3rd 
Sun in March)
Use of World Bird Sanctuary logo on your organization’s website, annual report and press releases for one year.

If you would like to register your company as a World Bird Sanctuary Corporate Sponsor, or if you would like World Bird Sanctuary to contact your employer about becoming a Corporate Sponsor, contact Catherine Redfern at or at 636-225-43901 ext. 102.

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