Friday, July 16, 2010

A Time To Laugh

Every month when I think about writing for the blog many different topics cross my mind.  Indeed, I have changed my mind about a topic at least a dozen times, and as with this blog, had at least one total rewrite.
 My Severe Macaw, Scully, having a good laugh at my expense
My original topic was going to be quite different, but I chose instead to go for something just for fun – something uplifting.

Here at WBS, every single one of us works very hard, staff and volunteers alike.  Somehow, I think that working in this field lends itself to comedic happenings, or maybe it’s just the people in general.  Either way, there is never a lack of funny stories to share, even if you have to tell an embarrassing story on yourself.  I usually fall into this category, so I have to be able to laugh at myself.

One of my more recent embarrassing moments took place in front of a small audience – naturally.  I was casually making my lunch in the kitchen and talking about an upcoming program.  On the counter sat a bowl full of my beloved barbeque sauce, which was to adorn my lunch.  I guess I got a little animated when I was talking, and the next thing I know, my hand hit the bowl.  The bowl went airborne, and the sauce went flying with the force of a Mount St. Helen’s eruption, clear across the kitchen.  In it’s path of destruction was myself, and poor innocent bystander, volunteer Matthew Levin.  I was literally covered in sauce from shorts to shoes.  Poor Matt, who was caught in the crossfire, managed to escape with only minor damage to his khaki’s.  The kitchen, and I, smelled like sauce for hours, even after the clean up.  Mind you, this happened in front of a kitchen full of people, so I had absolutely no dignity left.  I refer to this incident as a “fly-by saucing”.

Just in case I had an ounce of pride left after that, the other day I embarrassed myself in front of an audience once again.  I was on my way into the office, juggling a backpack and book bag, as usual, but this time with the added challenge of an eagle (walking) stick and a giant 44 oz. sweet tea.  Well, the last two elements proved to be too much as I tried to open the door to the Nature Center. 

Right there in the doorway, I caught the eagle stick on the doorjamb with enough force to break through the jug of sweet tea, and instantaneously doused myself from the waist down.  It made a fabulous “splooshing” sound--just to make sure no one missed the spectacle.  What an entrance!   Lucky for me, Dana Lambert, Naturalist, came to my rescue with a change of clothes.  I guess she owed me one from the “shmoo” incident, which I wrote about in a previous blog.

I hope you’ve had a good laugh at my expense, and a break from the headlines.  Anything for the cause. Lol!

And if you could see me trying to write this, you might be amused at the sight of the parrot vying for my attention.  I have to peer around him, bobbing and weaving, resembling the likes of a meerkat.  He keeps getting right in the middle of the desk, traipsing across my paper.  I love a challenge!  And believe me, having a parrot is a big one – but that’s a whole different story.

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator

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