Saturday, August 28, 2010

Birds In Concert Closes With a Bang!

Our last Birds in Concert performance closed with a bang on Thursday night with the rock and roll rhythms of The Rebounds.

Our sincere thanks to all those faithful fans who showed up to support WBS, and our Raptor Project and guest performers, despite hundred degree temperatures and threatening weather.  Also, a huge, heartfelt "Thank You" to Javier Mendoza, A Little Rhythm, and The Rebounds--the generous entertainers who have donated their time and talents to make this event a success.  All proceeds from the Birds in Concert series support our Wildlife Hospital and help to treat the more than 350 patients admitted every year.

We couldn't do what we do without you, our loyal supporters, and we hope our concert series has made this a memorable summer for you and your family members.   Hopefully, in the years to come, when your children and grandchildren are gathered  at a family event their reminiscences will begin...."Do you remember when we were little, and mom and dad (or grandma and grandpa) took us to those WBS concerts where they flew the birds?  I think that's where I first learned to appreciate wildlife...."

If you hear a comment like that, then we will have done our jobs--environmental education.  And, you will have done your jobs--making family memories.

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