Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do you celebrate someone's Life?

How do you celebrate someone's Life?

Certainly there are many ways, but I will mention one. Recently, early July 2010, a friend who is a sponsor of World bird Sanctuary had his 90 plus year old Mother die. He wanted to do something special in remembrance of his Mom and to commemorate her passing.

He chose to have WBS release Homing Pigeons near his Mom's graveside during or just after the funeral prayers. Perhaps the birds lifting up into the sky could help signify the passing of her spirit. Many Christians believe that when the earthly body ceases to function that the spirit lives on. Maybe I'm one of those people.

The above photo shows the release baskets full of birds. The birds are trained and exercised every day, and will return home to the World Bird Sanctuary after release.

After the Minister gave a lovely tribute to my friend’s mother it was time for the bird release. The birds burst forth from the baskets and rose quickly into the sky. They circled the cemetery three times and then took off for home. The birds looked just beautiful!  It seemed a fitting tribute to a long full life.

Later, after saying goodbye to my friend and his family, I drove back to the World Bird Sanctuary.  My goal was to put the release baskets back into the loft.  Upon my arrival most of the birds had already beaten me back to their loft.  I was able to jump out of the car and snap a picture of one of the later birds coming in for a landing.  If you’ll look on the right side of the picture you will see a bird with its wings raised as it drops in for a landing. The bird made it home. I like to believe this return home is a symbol of my friend’s mother’s safe journey into the afterlife.

If you are interested in commemorating a special person or event, and live within 35 miles of St. Louis Missouri, our birds would like to help in your celebration of life.

Call 636-225-4390 extension 0 to schedule a bird release for your special person.

I felt privileged to help my friend celebrate his Mom's Life.

Submitted by Mike Zieloski, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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