Thursday, November 4, 2010

How long can a Chicken live?

This question...I ponder every day that I work at our Environmental Education Center.
Dumpling, our 15 year old Cochin chicken
We have a chicken named Dumpling. She is 15 years old and counting. To my knowledge, we (World Bird Sanctuary) have never had another chicken live that long. I tell guests how old she is and the response is unanimous surprise. Wow! The guest then says "I had no idea that a chicken could live that long." I cannot believe it myself.

Do any of you "Show" chickens? And do you have a chicken that is older? Send us a picture of your chicken and it’s life story.  I have tried to find the longevity of chickens on the web...but cannot find a chicken that is older than 7 years.

We have 2 kinds of chickens on display at World Bird Sanctuary.  You can come in and pet Dumpling or Daisy our Cochin Chickens.  The chickens are a favorite with kids of all ages.  Actually, almost everyone loves to pet the chickens.  Usually they say "I didn't know that chickens were that soft".  The white feathers on Dumpling and Daisy are very soft.
What has funny looking cheek adornments, no tail, and blue feet? Araucana chicken of course.
We also have Araucanas on display.  They are located down past the hospital beyond most of the Eagle exhibits.  The Arauacanas are here because they had been so intensely interbred with domestic chickens that they were in danger of being bred into extinction.  Our flock is a longterm program that is attempting to breed them back to the original species.   (This is a subject for another blog in the future).

Cochin chickens were originally raised in China.  Araucanas were originally raised in Chile.

Many of you raise chickens or have raised chickens.  Some of your parents or grandparents may have raised them.  Come in and see our chickens and tell us about yours.

Some one please tell me about chicken longevity...How long can a chicken live?

Submitted by Michael Zeloski, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist


  1. Hurrah, chickens! I just love them. Nothing helps me to relax more than watching my silkies be their silly little selves.
    As far as longevity goes, I have heard widely varying reports since I began keeping chickens. Some say 4 years, others say 8, others ten. I've personally never had a chicken live longer than 6 years.
    I once had a woman looking to buy chickens from me who said that they had kept a Belgian d'Uccle Bantam rooster for 17 years! Especially surprising because they are such a high-strung breed.

  2. Katie,
    You mentioned you enjoy watching your chickens. Me too. I love watching Dumpling walk up or down the ramp at the doorway of the Environmental Education Center. The guests all get a kick out of her freedom to come in and out of the building. When Dumpling runs over to me with her feathered feet, it makes me smile.

    Thanks for your passion and enthusiasm for chickens.
    Mike Zeloski.
