Monday, December 27, 2010

Keeping Your Pet Bird Safe

Winter is always one of my favorite times of the year.  The snow, especially, is just so peaceful.  But as a parrot owner I have to remember to winterize so my bird stays healthy and happy during these winter months.

One of the first things we humans notice in the winter is dry skin.  For humans the solution is usually to use lotions.  However you can’t do this to a parrot.

Since most parrots come from tropical forests with high humidity, simply adding a humidifier to the room your parrot is in is a good solution.  It will also help the humans who share his environment.  You do not need it to feel like a rain forest; you just need enough added moisture to help offset the dry heated air. 
The cold outside creates drafts near windows and doors.  Parrots can tolerate sustained temperatures down to about 55°F; however, the drafts which you experience near doors and windows can make your bird sick.  Again—a simple solution--move your bird away from these areas.  If this really is not possible, try putting plastic around the windows.  Most hardware stores sell a window insulating kit that is quite inexpensive and unobtrusive.  I have found this works quite well.  You can also provide a blanket or towel on the side of the cage from which the draft is coming.  This will allow the bird to get away from the draft and will lessen the sudden change in temperature.

Winter power outages are always a big concern.  Be prepared.  Have several days’ worth of water set aside for your bird’s drinking, bathing, and even cleaning needs.  Make sure you have several days’ worth of food available.  Winter storms may mean you can’t get to the store.  Have blankets available to cover the bird’s cage to help keep it warm.  Also have a smaller travel cage or even a crate available to take your bird to some place warm and safe in the event of an extended power outage.  The smaller space is also good when trying to keep the bird warm when you have no heat.  You can cover the crate or even the smaller cage and it will be easier for your bird to maintain its body temperature. 

During power outages and the holidays we find ourselves using candles, air fresheners, incense, Yule logs, etc.  Remember that scents and additives in some of these products are poisonous to birds and can make them very sick or kill them.  To give your home that holiday aroma, try boiling spices and herbs like cloves, mint or cinnamon.  Also remember, smoke is an irritant to birds.  If you must have a fire or use candles keep your bird in another room.

During the Holidays we also have people over.  Remember, not everyone knows what can and cannot be fed to birds.  Keep your bird safe in its cage and away from people.  If this is not possible do what I do and keep the cage in view at all times and have a very strict rule, especially with children, that they are not to give anything to the bird without you present.  I always keep a special bag of air popped popcorn around so the kids feel like the bird is getting a really special treat.

Be safe and enjoy the winter months and the Holidays!

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