Friday, December 17, 2010


The two pigeons pictured are named Pete and Big Red. They hatched in 2004 and were trained that year. They have been exercising, flying and doing special events ever since.

Pete is a Grizzle, which is typified by a bird that is mostly off-white with flecks of green and purple in their feathers. Pete also has pearl colored eyes.

Big Red is a Red Bar, which is a mostly light grey bird with red stripes on his wings and hints of red on his head and neck. Big Red has orange eyes.

These two birds have been hired to fly for countless events, such as weddings like the one at the Missouri Botanical Garden, birthday parties and funerals.

Their most recent flight was for a graveside release at a funeral.  The Funeral was at a Christian Church off of South Lindbergh.  A friend's mother died.  She was in her 90's.  Our friend wanted the Homing Pigeons released in the cemetery near her place of Final Rest.  After the Minister said some prayers and some other nice words, she asked everyone to look over to the side, where our Homing Pigeons were waiting in the release baskets. When the minister signaled for the birds to be released the birds flew out and circled up, up, up, and then away.  Pete and Big Red, along with other birds in our flock, have been flying home for events such as these since 2004.

Pete and Big Red have flown home from weddings in West Alton, Illinois, Hillsboro, Crystal City, St. Charles and Washington Missouri, the Missouri Botanical Garden and other beautiful locations. When flying they average about 45 miles per hour. Pete and Big Red have evaded hawks like the Red-tailed Hawk and the Cooper's Hawk and the Peregrine Falcons since 2004. I'm proud to know these two birds and many other strong flyers like them.

Call us to have Pete and Big Red part of your special event, like the recent 60th Birthday party that they attended, or to lend a whole new special meaning to a Brownie Fly-up ceremony.  Send the birds into the air and watch as they magically fly Home.

Call 636-225-4390 to have these beautiful birds become a part of your special event.

Submitted by Michael Zieloski World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

1 comment:

  1. I suppose when you look at my Profile photo you will see why I better not comment. LOL
