Thursday, March 3, 2011

Eagle Scout Helps Wildlife Photographers at WBS

Chris Singleterry's Eagle Scout Ceremony took place January 9, 2011 at Mattingly's Sports Restaurant in Florissant, Missouri.
 Eagle Scout Chris Singleterry, WBS Naturalist Mike Zieloski, and Patriot the Bald Eagle
World Bird Sanctuary is grateful to Chris for doing his Eagle Scout service project for the World Bird Sanctuary.

For his Eagle Scout project Chris refurbished our photo blind and the adjoining Bird Feeder Station.  He improved the structure, made it more accessible, and improved the feed station itself.   As a result of his project we anticipate more photographers will utilize this photo blind.

Chris is a hard worker. I have seen him work on other projects with his scout troop.  Chris and his fellow scouts were the troop that designed and built Eagle Nesting Platforms in areas next to the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers in conjunction with Missouri American Water.

An Eagle Scout project is more than just showing up to do the project.  A young man doing his Eagle Scout project is responsible for planning the project, securing the materials (almost always through donations), recruiting the necessary labor crew and coordinating all other aspects of the project. 

To show our appreciation for all the hard work that a scout puts into doing his Eagle Scout service project with us, the World Bird Sanctuary brings a Bald Eagle to his Eagle Court  of Honor. The family and guests all appreciated seeing Patriot the Bald Eagle up close for the Educational presentation.

Thanks to Chris, his family, and his Scout Troop for helping to improve the World Bird Sanctuary’s feeding station area.

If you, or someone you know, are trying to decide on an Eagle Scout Service Project, give us a call at 636-225-4390 for more information about Service Projects available through the World Bird Sanctuary.  There are also projects available for Girl Scout Gold Award applicants.

Submitted by Michael Zeiloski, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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