Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Rookie Files: On the Road Again

The changing of the seasons can signify many things in nature. Breeding season, migration season, flowers blooming and trees leafing out are all common sights in spring.  At World Bird Sanctuary it means another show season is upon us.

The life of a World Bird Sanctuary employee that moves from town to present programs at zoos is a nomadic one. During the winter we come home to roost, so to speak, at the main site.  We train and care for the show birds as they enjoy their six month vacation.
Osiris, the Egyptian Vulture, packed and ready to go--"Got egg? Check!", "Got rock? Check!"
Come spring, however, as the leaves begin to appear we begin to pack. Items that have not been used in months are pulled out of storage--printers, short sleeve shirts, personal dishes, maps and city guides.  Most of us can fit the majority of our life into our car.  It also helps that many of us have vehicles with a lot of trunk space. Food is divided among those who remain on site and off we go!
 No--this isn't Spring Cleaning--it's a zoo show crew gathering up necessary supplies!
For four to six months we will be living in a completely new city, new home with new neighbors and in the case of the crew heading to Boston, new time zone.  The first time I picked up and moved across country for a show it was a fun, but strange experience.  Caravanning there is half the fun, playing leap frog with your fellow travelers, trying not to be hypnotized by the swaying equipment trailer in front of you, taking a lunch break and talking about the random radio stations you found.  Then you get to the new city and you realize that this place is going to be home.  Time to find a new grocery store, movie theater, park etc.  It is a little disorienting to be somewhere completely new, but luckily with people you generally know.

Not only do we ourselves have to pack up and move, but we need to pack the birds and any equipment we may need as well.  Since different venues have different facilities we never really know just what we’ll need for a season, so we leave prepared.  There is an extensive four-page checklist that we use for packing purposes.  Once the red checks start to appear then it becomes real that we are leaving soon.  The birds also notice that something is different though we try to act as normal as possible.  They can see the crates being moved and the items being gathered.  Soon they will be packed up and driven to a new home, for them a completely new territory.  After a short “check-the-place-out time,” they adapt and are fine.
 Some of the birds' "stuff" ready to move for the summer
For most people spring means a change in the weather and vegetation.  For us, and the birds, in means a change in location, routine and people.  For most people the idea of packing their life up in their car twice a year is a horrible thought, but for me, and the birds, it means its show time!  And show time is the best time of year!

If you find yourself in the Boston area between 1 May and 5 September 2011, come to Stone Zoo in the North of Boston (the town of Stoneham to be exact) and see our bird show, presented at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00  every day. 

Submitted by Leah Tyndall, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist/Trainer

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