Sunday, May 1, 2011

We Need Your Help!

Remember to Vote: Your vote can help World Bird Sanctuary win up to $500,000 in the Chase Community Giving Challenge!

What is Chase Community Giving?
Chase Community Giving was introduced in 2009 as a new way forward for giving. This unique program lets fans of Chase Community Giving vote to help determine where Chase donates millions of dollars. In total, millions of people have helped us donate $10 million to 300 winning charities in 35 states. But we’re just getting started.

How does the program work?
Chase Community Giving Spring 2011 will have two rounds of voting. Round 1 started on April 21st and runs until May 4th, 2011. The 100 eligible charities with the most votes during Round 1 will each receive $25,000 and move on to Round 2. All Round 2 charities will have the chance to submit a Big Idea that demonstrates why they should receive our top donation of $500,000. Based on the votes received between May 19th and May 25th, 2011, the winning charity is eligible to receive an additional $500,000 donation!

What can you do to help World Bird Sanctuary?

This is a Facebook-only campaign.  If you have a Facebook profile, please cast your vote before Wednesday, May 4th.  Share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook, and ask them to do the same.

Thank you!

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