Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tales From the Nest - Part 7

4/21 – I Arrived this morning to find no activity in the nest and no sign of mom.  Have they left the nest?  They should be getting close. 

The books say that owls venture out onto nearby branches and fly-hop from branch to branch for a couple of weeks before they really fly, but I don’t see any of that kind of activity.  However, I’m not sure our owls have read the books.  If they have left the nest I’m sure they will be much more difficult to photograph. 

It’s been over an hour now and no sign of activity.  If they’ve left the nest and ended up on the ground they could have fallen prey to a predator.  Just as I am about to give up for the day I see the tip of a wing being stretched in the nest.  They’re still there! 

All of a sudden there is a flurry of activity from the babies.  There’s much fly-hopping up onto the side of the nest, and then back down.  Then there’s some hopping from one side of the nest to the other (this nest is at least four feet across).  Then there is much stretching and flapping of wings.  They are beginning to look more and more like the adults. 

I now know that it won’t be long before they venture out onto the branches of this big pine tree and become what is called “branchers”.  I still don’t see mom, but I am sure she is close by, keeping an eye on the nest.

Check back again soon for more "Tales From The Nest".

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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