Monday, June 27, 2011

Tales From The Nest - Part 8

4/22 – It’s raining this A.M., but it’s only drizzling, so I decided to check out the nest, as I know they will soon be leaving it.  When I arrived there was no visible activity, but Mamma was at her post on the large branch just above and to the right of the nest. 

As I watched, Mamma jumped down into the nest and began doing some housekeeping chores.  It was then that I realized that the two clumps of “pine cones” on Mamma’s branch were, in fact, the two babies!  

I have mixed emotions about their graduation to the status of “branchers”.  I am excited that they have passed this first big hurdle, but I know that now it will be more difficult, if not impossible, to get clear photos of our two babies. 

Between  the dense tree growth, the wind, and the fact that they are about 80 feet in the air, the problem of getting a clear shot has just grown exponentially.  By moving from my usual vantage point and doing my version of a circus contortionist I was able to get a photo with only a minimum of pine boughs screening our little graduates. 

I am loath to leave the cover of my van since I believe they are accustomed to vehicles and do not perceive them as a threat.  Hopefully they will start moving about more as they gain confidence in their ability to navigate the tree branches and will be more visible—at least for a couple of weeks.

Check back again soon for more "Tales From The Nest"

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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