Thursday, July 7, 2011

Have You Seen Our New Amphitheater?

Wednesday, June 29, marked the Grand Opening ceremony for our new renovated amphitheater.
WBS Director, Walter Crawford, and Board President, John Risberg, cut the ribbon
We marked this important event with performances by our in house band The Raptor Project and flight demonstrations by our stars, the birds.
Employees and guests enjoy the more comfortable seating while our birds perform for the audience
A crowd of longtime supporters was present, as well as a number of supporters who had purchased or received inscribed bricks.  Our thanks to the Ludwick Foundation which generously funded the beautiful improvements to this important component of our Education Department. 

This project was begun in the summer of 2009 with the announcement of our Buy A Brick campaign. The proceeds from brick sales were earmarked to replace the original steps and amphitheater seating which had begun deteriorating.  The original plan was to replace the steps and amphitheater in sections as the bricks were sold to fund the reconstruction.  However, the deterioration of the original materials soon outpaced brick sales, and the Ludwick Foundation generously stepped forward with funds to complete the project.

Now that the main thrust of our Buy A Brick campaign has been completed we will still be taking orders for the inscribed bricks, with proceeds now going toward helping the Education Department to achieve its mission – to give the members of our community the tools that they need to make responsible decisions about sustainable resource management. 
A view of the new improved seating area
So, if you haven’t seen our new amphitheater yet, be sure to pay us a visit and take part in some of our expanded programs such as our Amazing Animal Encounters which take place every Saturday and Sunday in our beautiful newly remodeled amphitheater.  These programs are free to the public.

While you’re there be sure to check out the many different types of brick inscriptions possible—memorials for a loved one, birthday wishes, anniversary wishes, Girl Scout Troop mementos, pet memorials, expressions of friendship, etc.  The bricks make a great gift and are always much appreciated by the recipient.

Submitted by Gay Schroer, World Bird Sanctuary Volunteer/Photographer

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