Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Maritz Sponsors Free Programs

Win an Educational Program from WBS for a Group in Need

Do you know of a group, school or organization in need of an educational program?

We’re aware that even though we keep the costs of our programs to a minimum and far less than our actual expenses, there are those that are still unable to fund a program on their own for financial reasons.
One of our most popular programs--Raptor Awareness
The Maritz Corporation has generously granted funds to World Bird Sanctuary to provide several programs for less privileged groups in the Greater St. Louis Area.  We are asking friends of the World Bird Sanctuary to nominate a group, a school or an organization that you think is deserving of one of these funded programs.

Here’s how you can nominate a local group, school or organization for a free educational program:

Send an email to education@worldbirdsanctuary.org with “Nomination for Maritz Grant Program” in the subject line, and the following information:

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Name of the Organization you want to receive the program
Contact Person for this Organization
Contact Person’s Phone Number
And in 150 words or less, describe why this group should be awarded a program
Winners will be notified by phone, our blog and Facebook.  Nominations must be made within three weeks of this posting.  Winners must be within 50 miles of World Bird Sanctuary, and may have their program of choice.  Program descriptions are available on our website at www.worldbirdsanctuary.org under the “Programs” tab, under the headings of “For Your Classroom” and “For Your Group”.

World Bird Sanctuary would like to thank the Maritz Corporation for their continued support and for this opportunity to share our message of conservation with those who may otherwise never have the chance to hear it.

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator

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