Thursday, January 5, 2012

Eagle Watching Season Is Upon Us!

I have never been a big fan of cold weather. Yet I look forward every year to eagle watching season with great anticipation. 
Cold weather and ice on the water means good eagle watching
You just can’t have a good eagle watching season without some really cold weather.  They definitely go hand in hand.  Eagle watching is a really big deal in this and surrounding areas and draws quite an audience and following. 
Ice floes near the locks and dams mean good fishing for the many Bald Eagles that congregate there
There are several nearby places where you can go to watch the migrating wild bald eagles congregate on the rivers, locks and dams.  The Mississippi River provides some of the most spectacular eagle watching available in the St. Louis area.  We are fortunate to be so close to where the eagle migration is at its best.
Watch for eagles in the treetops near the river
What does eagle watching season mean for WBS?  The World Bird Sanctuary will be traveling through several states presenting live eagle programs and live bird of prey demonstrations and displays.  The next few months will be some of the busiest of the year for our Education Department.
Meet Liberty--one of the stars of our Traveling Talons troop
Check out our Traveling Talons Calendar and make plans to see a live bald eagle up close and personal:

January  6 – 8
Quad Cities Eagle Days
Rock Island, Illinois
Masters of the Sky Programs
Display & Traveling Gift Shop

January 7 & 15
February 4 & 11
Audubon Center at Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary
West Alton, Illinois
Eagle Display

January 7 & 8
Lake of the Ozarks Eagle Days
Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri
All About Eagles Programs
Traveling Gift Shop

January 8
Pere Marquette
Pere Marquette Lodge
Grafton, Illinois
Display and Masters of the Sky Programs

January 14, 21 & 28
Alton Visitor Center
Alton, Illinois
Eagle Display

January 14 & 15
Chain of Rocks Eagle Days
Chain of Rocks Bridge
St. Louis, Missouri
All About Eagles Programs

January 21
Bald Eagle Watch
Dubuque, Iowa
Masters of the Sky Programs

January 21
Fort Bellefontaine Park
St. Louis, Missouri
Multi-Bird Display with Eagle

January 21 & 22
Keokuk Eagle Days
Keokuk Iowa
Masters of the Sky Programs
Traveling Gift Shop

January 22 & 29
February 5, 12
Great Rivers Museum
East Alton, Illinois
Eagle Display

January 28 & 29
Starved Rock Eagle Days
Starved Rock State Park, Illinois
Masters of the Sky Programs

January 28 & 29
Clarksville Eagle Days
Clarksville, Missouri
Masters of the Sky Programs

February 4
Kaskaskia Lock & Dam
Modoc, Illinois
All About Eagles Programs

February 18, 19 & 20
Great Rivers Museum
East Alton, Illinois
Masters of the Sky Programs

February 25 & 26
Lewis and Clark Confluence Tower
Hartford, Illinois
Eagle Display

March 3 & 4
Carpenter Nature Center
Hastings, Minnesota
Masters of the Sky Programs

Be sure to mark your calendars now for our upcoming Annual World Eagle Day, March 18, 2012 from 10 – 4.  For more information please click on our home web page

If you would like to stay up to date on where you can catch a World Bird Sanctuary program in your area, or on events here at WBS, sign up to receive our email newsletter by entering your email address in the box on the right-hand side of this page.

You can also become a WBS Sponsor starting at as little as $35.00 and receive our Mews News Newsletter tri-annually – full of events, updates, stories and our Traveling Talons schedule.

As always, for more information you can visit our web page

Submitted by Billie Baumann, World Bird Sanctuary Outreach Coordinator

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