Monday, February 6, 2012

365 Photo Project

Over the last few years I have seen many people do a 365 day Photo Project where they post and take photos every day of the year.  In 2012, I have challenged myself to do just this. 

Photography has always been something I enjoy.  I received my first camera, a Kodak Disc camera, when I was about 7 or 8 years old.  Needless to say I was addicted.  As I have gotten older and camera technology has changed and moved to digital, so have I, and I continue to take photos.  I love photographing nature and other fun things I come across.  I usually get a lot of positive comments about my photos. 

One thing I have learned over the last few years is to always have a camera at the ready.  I have one really good Cannon Rebel EOS and then I always carry my Nikon Coolpix camera or an older Casio Exilim as a backup.  I have learned you never know when something is going to happen and then you say to yourself, “I wish I had a camera”.  I still miss photo opportunities, because unless you have a camera attached to your eyes at all times you can never get every photo, but I can get more by always having a camera in my purse. 

Over the last few years I have seen many other people do these 365 projects, and everyone does them a little differently.  So I decided that I would attempt to complete this kind of project.  In my blog this year I will post just one or two of my favorite photos each month and discuss why it is my favorite.
Bald Eagle at Sunrise            
The first photo for my blog is from January 7, 2012.  The morning of the 7th I was checking our exhibit line early in the morning, a WBS procedural task to always make sure our birds are safe.  While driving down the exhibit line I kept seeing this one juvenile Bald Eagle with a white belly.  I took several photos while driving down the line.  On my way back up the line as the sun was coming up I saw this beautiful view of the eagle with the sunrise.
Grape juice! ....Yummm!
My second photo is from January 15, 2012.  For enrichment I gave the Straw-colored Fruit Bats in our Nature Center some grape juice.  They got very excited and were climbing into the juice bowl!  I quickly grabbed the camera and took some photos.  This is one of those photos.  Batty is the one looking right at the camera while Scar is trying to get Batty to move over.

I hope everyone enjoys the photos.  I love taking them, challenging myself and sharing them with others.

Submitted by Cathy Spahn, World Bird Sanctuary Naturalist

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