Saturday, April 14, 2012

There's Still Time to Enter!

Are you a writer?  A poet?  A sculptor?  A photographer?  A musician?  A painter?  A singer?  A wood carver? 

Do you have a budding artist in your household?  

Do you appreciate birds?  Have you ever wondered, "What do they do all day . . .?" as they fly overhead or forage in the trees?

Enter our "What Do They Do All Day . . . " Creative Contest?

We are accepting entries in any creative medium of your choice (as long as it conforms to the size and format specified on the entry form) in four age groups:
6 - 9 years old
10 - 13 years old
14 - 18 years old
19 years old and over

You stand to win some unique prizes!  There will be five finalists in each age category.  From these 20 finalists, judges will select an overall winner.  Each of the 20 finalists will be awarded with a prize, and will have their entries exhibited at World Bird Sanctuary on Saturday, May 5th, as part of our International Migratory Bird Day celebrations.  Prizes include:

1st prize - there will be one overall First Prize Winner

  1. A photo shoot with Marian Brickner, renowned animal photographer.  To find out more about her beautiful body of work, click here to visit her website.
  2. An Adopt-a-Bird Subscription for one year, up to a $200 value.
  3. A 4" x 6" photograph of the artist and his/her entry at the final exhibition, taken by Marian Brickner.

2nd Prize - there will be four Second Prize Winners - one from each age category

  1. An Adopt-a-Bird Subscription for one year, up to a $150 value.
  2. A 4" x 6" photograph of the artist and his/her entry at the final exhibition, taken by Marian Brickner.
3rd Prize - there will be fifteen Third Prize Winners - for each of the remaining 20 finalists in the competition
  1. An Adopt-a-Bird Subscription for one year, up to a $75 value.
  2. A 4" x 6" photograph of the artist and his/her entry at the final exhibition, taken by Marian Brickner.

Entries must be received by 5pm on Sunday, April 22nd 2012 (received via mail by this time, or hand delivered by this time), and must conform to the rules of the competition (on the entry form) to be eligible to enter.

Download an entry form here, or pick one up at World Bird Sanctuary's Visitor Information Center or Nature Center!

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