Friday, June 15, 2012

Creative Contest Winner

World Bird Sanctuary recently held a Creative Contest, where we asked entrants to submit their appreciation of birds in any medium of their choice.

This poem, the winner in its age category, was submitted by Melissa Anderson.  It brought tears to the eyes of every single one of us who work or volunteer in the wildlife hospital, and I wanted to share it with you.

"Stuffed in to a cage, bars surround me..."

I sit on a tree, sun shining on me, my chicks squawk, chirp, cheep, for some food from me.  I swoop down, wind in my wings, I feel free, lucky, alive…..Bang!  My wing, my insides, they’re broken, I cannot fly.  My babies-oh my, my babies, they need me, I must try.  My body is in control, I tuck and roll, to the ground I fall, this-this is not good at all.  The earth rough, the mountain steep, I grow weak, I let out one final call, letting them know I have fall-en; I won’t be home for dinner.  Be strong, be brave, trust the sky, I will not die.  Dusk falls, from the brush I hear a rustle, oh dear.  What now? What could it be? Have they finally come for me?  Orange vests, sunlight in their hands, a person shouts, bends down.   I make a struggled sound, they pick me up, put me to sleep.  In the morning-give me something to eat, I search, I cry, I bite, I just want to fly.  They poke me, they study, they seem to care, yet I long for fresh air.  One day they come, eager, excited, I turn my head, from my make shift bed, I see kill for me.  A rope around my feet, a glove on her hand.  Am I going to see real land? Stuffed in to a cage, bars surround me, I will fight, I promised, for my babies-I will! I’m taken out, held in hands, they surround me, watching, observant, they lift me high, watch me fly.  I blow kisses goodbye, thank you strangers!   Babies I’m home! “Mama, Mama? They call, not confused at all.” You’re well!” “Yes aren’t things swelling?”
A squawk in the distance calls my attention, my mate, he brings me food.   Thank you dear strangers, World Bird Sanctuary, for a while I was very wary, but you made me well, you made me strong.  Its making my heart swell, to just think you did this for me, I’m home, with my chicks, hunting, flying, soaring high.  Just watch me fly!"
 "....they lift me high, watch me fly."

Thank you, Melissa, for such a beautiful poem – which serves as an inspiration to us every day.

Submitted by Joe Hoffmann, Sanctuary Manager.

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